Call for Help

Outreach Event Draws Community to Gluck Park

Community Missions (CMI) provides help and guidance for the people of Niagara Falls. However, there are still many people that do not know about the services CMI provides.

On July 6, Pastor Mark Breese of CMI held an outreach event at Gluck Park with Joanne Lorenzo of the Magdalene Project as the coordinator of the event. This event allowed people in the community to come down, have a good time and get a free meal as well as a bag of groceries.

There were also several activities for children to do. This included face painting, sidewalk chalk, nail painting and bubbles. Ligonier United Methodist Church, a youth group from Indiana, helped with the event and a couple of the teens played live music for the community.

In the midst of all of this, people were able to come through and get information on the many opportunities and assistance that CMI provides for the community.

The services that CMI provides ranges from a soup kitchen and clothes closet to mental health services. CMI has many programs to help the people of Niagara. These services can help people in more ways than one and the community should be made aware of this.

The outreach event attracted more than 150 people of all ages. Everyone who attended was able to receive something to help make their day a little brighter, whether it was a hot dog, free stuffed animal, or information on the help that could be given to them.

CMI was able to make the event possible through a grant from The Presbytery of WNY, Outreach Ministry Team (PCUSA) and a One Great Hour of Sharing Development Grant from the American Baptist Home Mission Society (ABC-USA). 

Community Missions is here to help people when various struggles arise in day to day lives. An event like this is informative for the citizens of Niagara Falls to know that the help is available to them. Whether it is to get a meal or more serious issue, Community Missions is here to help and support the people of Niagara Falls.

For more information on the many programs that Community Missions provides, please browse the website.







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By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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