Girls Circle
The Girls Circle is designed to foster self-esteem, help girls maintain authentic connection with peers and adult women in their community, counter trends of self-doubt, and allow for genuine self-expression through verbal sharing and creative activity.
The group specifically addresses the growing issue within local schools of how to best address problem behaviors among female students. Often, these students are given out of school suspensions or other punitive discipline for acting out, which may begin or continue a downward spiral of behaviors. This cycle may eventually lead the students to disengage with the school system, and ultimately drop out.
Girls Circle is a national, evidence-based program promoting pro-social behaviors in young women. Students exhibiting behavioral problems, ages 9-18, or those that school personnel identify as having self-image issues, are given the opportunity to participate in the eight- or 12-week program, held at their school.
Currently, the Girls Circle administered by Community Missions is being held in schools within the Niagara Falls City School District. For more information, please call 716-285-3403 x.2253 or check out the program brochure here.
By The Numbers...
In 2023, Community Missions provided:
• 12,108 nights of shelter
• 153,023 meals
• 2,780 individuals with clothing
• 3,562 care days in Youth Services
• 43,388 care days in Recovery Services
• 72,302 care days in Housing Services
• 467 reflections & resources for Faith Development