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Area Holy Week Information

There are many services planned for the Niagara area around Holy Week. Please see the list below for many (though likely not all), of the services being offered around the area.

Ecumenical Services

At Community Missions, 1570 Buffalo Ave:

·        Sunday, March 29th, 4:00-5:00 PM: Music, Prayer, and Meditation. For Palm Sunday we will be offering a space for people to come and begin Holy week with prayer and meditation in the Chapel. There will not be a formal service, but there will be volunteers from churches there to pray with, or simply be present with, any who choose to come. Prayer candles can be lit, and anointing with oil by volunteer ministers will offered. People need not come for the whole hour, but can come in and out during that time.

·        Also on Sunday, March 29th, 5-7 pm: Sunday Cabaret. Dinner is at 5 p.m., and the program starts at 6 p.m.

·        Wednesday, April 1st,  11:00 - 11:30 am: Regular Chapel Service. Communion will be offered (it is regularly offered on the first Wed. of each month)

·        Thursday, April 2nd, 11-11:30am: Maundy Thursday Service. A Communion service marking Jesus' last supper and betrayal. Service is based around the old Spiritual Song "Were You There".

At First Baptist Church, 554 Main St. (4th & Main) Niagara Falls:

·        April 2 - Maundy Thursday—7:00 PM
Worship service. Holy Communion (The Lord's Supper) will be served. Pastor Kathleen Ordiway, preaching.

·       Friday, April 3rd: Good Friday. Noon-3pm
It is a 3-hour service where people can come in and out as they wish and as they are. It runs from Noon until 3pm on April 3rd. The service revolves around the Seven Last Words of Christ that he spoke from the cross. Such Good Friday Services have a long tradition in the history of Christian worship. Each of the seven words or statements of Jesus are read during the service, with a different minister or lay person offering a brief reflection for each. There is music and times of prayer throughout the service. Rev. Mark Breese will be offering one of the words and reflections (at about 1pm) and so will Pastor Kathleen Ordiway (at about 2:15—which is the final Words), who is one CMI's board members and the current Pastor at First Baptist Church.

The Niagara Ministerial Council:

·        Thursday, April 4th, 6:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Service
St. Mark Open Door Baptist Church, 2901 Highland Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Rev. Gary Jackson, Pastor

·         Friday, April 3rd , 6:00 pm - Good Friday Service
Bethany Missionary Baptist Church, 2002 Forest Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14303.  Rev. Raymond Allen, Pastor.
Several local pastors will present words for a "Way of the Cross" Worship Service.

Niagara Falls State Park (Goat Island picnic area across from the 3 Sisters Islands):

·        Sunday, April 5th at 6:00 am - Easter Sunrise Service
Destination Life Fellowship Church is presenting an outdoor Sunrise Worship Service on Easter Morning. Please bring your own lawn chair and Dress Warm! For more information please contact Destination Life Fellowship @ 297-7799

Holy Week Services In The Roman Catholic Tradition

·        St. John's De LaSalle Roman Catholic Church - 8477 Buffalo Ave, Niagara Falls NY 14304
There are many different services at St. John's De La Salle in Niagara Falls during holy week. Follow this link to see the full schedule:

·        Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Parish - This parish has two locations
St. Joseph Church located at 1413 Pine Ave. &  Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is at 27th and Independence Ave.
There are also several different Holy Week services at the Holy Family Parish. Follow this link for the full schedule:!mass-schedules/cl4b

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By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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