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End Hunger ... One Step at a Time!

by Christian Hoffman
Fri, Apr 8th 2016 03:10 pm
Community Missions, Inc. will host its annual Walk for Niagara on Saturday, April 30 at Whirlpool State Park. Rain or shine, the event aims to raise awareness and funds for the agency's Crisis Services Programs, which includes the Community Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry, Clothes Closet, and Emergency Shelter.
Walkers are asked to collect pledges and donations in support of their participation. This year there are two ways to walk: as an individual (collecting a minimum of $20), or as a team of at least 5 walkers (collecting a minimum of $150). Dogs on leashes welcome!
Pledge sheets, along with all collected donations are then turned in at check in the morning of the walk. Check in begins at 10:30 a.m., followed by the two-mile walk at 11:15 a.m. Pre-walk coffee and donuts will be provided courtesy of Tim Hortons, followed by a post-walk lunch, 50/50 raffle, and prizes for the top individuals and teams that raise the most money.
Thank you to this year's sponsors, LocalEdge and Judge Angelo J. Morinello. Sponsorship opportunities are still available and greatly appreciate.
For more information, please contact Andrea Gray at 716-285-3403 x. 2225 or Event information and pledge forms are also available online at


By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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