Call for Help

Below are links that you might find useful in your ministry. As we run into them, we will post new ones, so keep checking back. If there is a link you think will help others in their ministries please let us know and we will include it.

The links will open in a new window.

E-Sword Bible Study Software- E-Sword is a free (really!) bible study software that is as good as any you can purchase. It is used by millions of people around the world. - There are tons of resources at this site as well as online Bible Study Tools that are very extensive.

The Text This Week - Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources. This is one of the most comprehensive Revised Common Lectionary resources you will ever find. If you use the RCL for your weekly worship, this is a site you must see!

Sojourners - A long standing publication dedicated to social justice. Their mission statement says in part: "Our mission is to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world."



By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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