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American Baptist Home Mission Society Awards Community Missions One Great Hour of Sharing Domestic Emergency Food and Shelter Grant

by Christian Hoffman
Thu, Dec 18th 2014 04:00 pm
Front (L to R): Rev. Mark Breese, Rev. Jim Kelsey (Executive Minister- ABCNYS), Christian Hoffman (Development Manager for CMI). Background: Jimmie Walker (Cook for CMI). One-on-one ministry is practiced daily in the Mission's Community Soup Kitchen in Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Front (L to R): Rev. Mark Breese, Rev. Jim Kelsey (Executive Minister- ABCNYS), Christian Hoffman (Development Manager for CMI). Background: Jimmie Walker (Cook for CMI). One-on-one ministry is practiced daily in the Mission's Community Soup Kitchen in Niagara Falls, N.Y.
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NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. - Community Missions of Niagara Frontier, Inc. (CMI) in Niagara Falls, N.Y. recently received a $5,000 grant from the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Domestic Emergency Food and Shelter fund, from the World Relief Committee of the American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA) and facilitated by the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS). The grant allows Community Missions to maintain Faith Services components available across its many services through 2014.

Faith Services at Community Missions provides a full-time pastoral presence at the Mission, opportunities for weekly worship, fellowship and spiritual development groups, and special activities with a focus on faith. There is also a focus to engage the Niagara faith community to help churches and ministries volunteer, provide food, clothing, or hygiene items, as well as financial support to the Mission.

"We are so grateful for this help," said Rev. Mark H. Breese, Director of Ministry and Community Services at the Mission. "With the holiday season during the last quarter of the year, it is often the time when pastoral services and spiritual support for those we serve is most needed."

Community Missions was founded in 1925 and provides a wide range of services, including crisis housing for individuals and families, food through its soup kitchen and food pantry, and other essentials like clothing and furniture to those in need. The Mission offers a parole re-entry program and the only residential HIV/AIDS program in Niagara County, N.Y. The Mission provides residential and community based programs for adults and youth struggling with mental illness, along with services offering youth and their families diversion paths through the Juvenile Justice System.

"We are very proud to have Community Missions as a Validated Ministry of the ABCNYS," said Rev. Jim Kelsey, Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of NYS (ABCNYS) on a recent visit to learn more about the services available. "The type of ministry happening at the Mission is very important. The Mission is not only helping people in need, but also serves as a resource for churches from all over to learn how to do this work in their own communities."

"As American Baptists around the world seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we are honored to be able to provide this financial assistance to Community Missions of Niagara Falls as they seek to minister and provide assistance in their community, especially during the advent season," said Mrs. Victoria Goff, national coordinator of volunteer and disaster response ministries for the ABHMS. "With so many in need, it is comforting to know that Community Missions is there to provide a respite to many."



By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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