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Art Show at Wine on Third to Showcase PROS Artists
by Christian Hoffman
NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. – Community Missions is partnering with Wine on Third to present a showing of artwork from its Niagara Visions PROS program over the next month. The works of art, produced in the Mental Health program, will be featured from May 20-June 17 at the restaurant, with an opening reception scheduled from 5-8 p.m. on Monday, May 20.
“The work in this show is a representation of art created by people who experience mental illness,” said Sandie Crocker, Art Therapist at Niagara Visions PROS. “Producing art has brought them an escape. Many of us have experienced depression or anxiety in response to major events in our life. We realize how painful it can be.”
Niagara Visions PROS (Personalized Recovery Oriented Services) has worked with individuals living with mental illness since its founding in 2012. Located on Third Street in Niagara Falls, the showing at Wine on Third (501 Third Street, NF), is an opportunity to showcase the work done by program participants locally.
“For over 30 years as owners of Wine on Third, both the Weber and Giusiana families have been supporters of Community Missions and its many programs, said David Giusiana, co-owner of Wine on Third. “This event is just another way our families can continue to show that support.”
The show is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; administered by Arts Services Initiative of Western New York.
Niagara Visions PROS is a program of Community Missions and licensed by the New York State Office of Mental Health. Community Missions has provided the Niagara community with vital services since 1925. For more information, please visit www.communitymissions.org.
By The Numbers...
In 2023, Community Missions provided:
• 12,108 nights of shelter
• 153,023 meals
• 2,780 individuals with clothing
• 3,562 care days in Youth Services
• 43,388 care days in Recovery Services
• 72,302 care days in Housing Services
• 467 reflections & resources for Faith Development