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CMI Gratitude Campaign Thanks Niagara Falls Department of Public Works & Parks at Latest Event

by Christian Hoffman
Fri, Jul 29th 2022 01:00 pm

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. –Community Missions’ Gratitude Campaign continued Friday morning at Hyde Park, saying thank you to employees of the Niagara Falls Department of Public Works & Parks.

On Friday morning, dozens of Public Works employees gathered to enjoy refreshments and receive appreciation for their efforts to beautify and maintain their community. The Department is responsible for the upkeep of parks, roads, sidewalks and other infrastructure; all items that can often be taken for granted. 

“The tireless work of our Department of Public Works team is representative of their dedication to this City and our community,” said City of Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino. “Whether it’s maintaining our parks and recreation facilities, repairing roads and filling potholes, or working around-the-clock during our winter months to keep our streets clear of snow, these men and women are always working full-steam-ahead to keep our City in top condition. Their work is often thankless – so I am happy to take this opportunity to publicly and formally show our City’s appreciation for all they do.”

The event is the latest in the Community Missions’ Community & Religious Services Committee’s “Gratitude Campaign”, aimed to encourage everyone to show appreciation for workers that are often forgotten. Previous efforts have included thanking Postal Workers and Mental Health Workers that serve Niagara County.

“As the Committee discussed who to thank, we thought of all of our beautiful parks throughout the City of Niagara Falls that we enjoy,” said Rev. Mark Breese, Community Missions’ Agency Minister. “A lot of hard work is put in by our City employees to prepare the parks for the Summer, to maintain the roads we use every day, and the sidewalks where we meet and talk to our neighbors. We wanted to express our gratitude in some small way for all they do for our community.”

The Gratitude Campaign was spearheaded by the words of one of the Committee members, Sister Beth Brosmer, OSF. In brief, she said that “with all of the difficulties going on in the world, she has decided to make a simple change by thanking those that we often take for granted to reclaim connectedness and say out loud that she appreciated the good they were doing for our community.”


By The Numbers...

In 2023, Community Missions provided:

12,108 nights of shelter

153,023 meals

2,780 individuals with clothing

3,562 care days in Youth Services

43,388 care days in Recovery Services

72,302 care days in Housing Services

467 reflections & resources for Faith Development


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