Project Connect Niagara to Provide Services & Resources to Those in Need
Project Connect Niagara, an event designed to connect
those in need with critical services in a "one-stop" venue, will take place on
Wednesday, July 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Heart, Love, and Soul Inc. in
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Project Connect Niagara was introduced at the 4th Annual Poverty Conference, "Agents of Social Change: Community Engagement," on March 4. The annual conference, hosted by The Niagara County Coalition for Services to the Homeless, along with Buffalo/Niagara Falls and Erie/Niagara Counties Continuum of Care, and Niagara University, featured a variety of presentations and saw over 200 people in attendance at the Niagara Falls Housing Authority Doris W. Jones Family Resource Building in Niagara Falls.
During the conference, organizers announced Project Connect Niagara as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the community by bringing together a wide range of agencies to provide access to healthcare, social services, legal advice, food, medical care and much more - all within a caring and safe environment.
Project Connect Niagara is a collaboration between community agencies and professionals to provide information and a connection to free services and resources such as: housing, employment, government benefits, Veterans' benefits, legal services, medical and dental care, haircuts, public benefits screenings, financial services, and family services.
The Project aims to form a partnership between community volunteers, city government, non-profits, and the private sector, to provide this "one-stop shop" of health and human services for those in need throughout Niagara County.
If your agency is interested in participating in Project Connect Niagara, please visit and complete the form as space is limited. For additional information about the event, please call 716.205.0287 or email
By The Numbers...
In 2023, Community Missions provided:
• 12,108 nights of shelter
• 153,023 meals
• 2,780 individuals with clothing
• 3,562 care days in Youth Services
• 43,388 care days in Recovery Services
• 72,302 care days in Housing Services
• 467 reflections & resources for Faith Development