Youth Groups Brighten up Community Missions
Giving back is something that makes many people feel genuinely
happy. Last week Community Missions (CMI) had the pleasure of receiving some
help from a couple of youth groups.
Receiving this help is always endearing but the unique part about this is the groups traveled all the way from Hastings, Nebraska. Hastings is over 1,000 miles away and about 18 hours from Niagara Falls.
The two
groups were made up of about 40 teens with a handful of sponsors to supervise them.
The two youth groups were from Grace United Methodist and First United
Methodist in Hastings.
The teens spent time landscaping by planting flowers, weeding and even painting. All making CMI look a little bit brighter.
Not only
did these groups come and help spruce up Community Missions, but held a clothes
drive back in Hastings and brought socks and underwear to donate.
Markki Frazier, a member of the group, noticed how people were able to come and go at the Mission. Frazier noticed that people were from different backgrounds and came from different ways of living.
saw how many people who came to CMI for various reasons appreciated having just
a conversation and how much it would brighten up those individuals' days.
The two youth groups were here to connect with God doing work at CMI, but had the opportunity to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Niagara Falls is a truly amazing view and getting a chance to see it for the first time is special.
group seemed to have the same genuine response that Niagara Falls is awesome.
It is as if no one could come up with the words to describe the sight. The
Falls are an incredible experience that people from all over appreciate.
CMI always appreciates the time and effort people put in volunteering. Having a group care so much and genuinely enjoy giving back is something that always brings a smile to people's faces around CMI.
Having the help from Grace United Methodist as well as First United Methodist was very endearing and special to the Mission. The groups were able to help with much-needed tasks around CMI that do not always get attended to.
Community Missions does a great deal for the community and helps a wide spread of individuals with different types of needs. It is great to see that other people not just from within the community, but from an outside perspective, see the help CMI puts forward to give people a chance to live a better life.
By The Numbers...
In 2023, Community Missions provided:
• 12,108 nights of shelter
• 153,023 meals
• 2,780 individuals with clothing
• 3,562 care days in Youth Services
• 43,388 care days in Recovery Services
• 72,302 care days in Housing Services
• 467 reflections & resources for Faith Development